Monday, August 4, 2014

Daily rountine for the past 2 mths have been..

0530 - Leave from home to eunos
0730 - Wake kiddo up and prepare him for school
0815 - Papa Rao will send kiddo to school
0900-  Personal time for swim/ walk
1130 - Pick kiddo up from school at katong
1200 - Lunch
1400 - Pick Tingkerbelle from schoolbus
1530 - Revision time with the do, re, mi...
1700 - Quality time with the do, re, mi...
1830 - Dinner
2000 - Home sweet Home.

So Mama rao does all the cooking,
Helper does all the cleaning
Me ?? Purely responsible for the 3 kiddos.

Everything seems good to me for now and I am not complaning...